Preparing for whatever comes

Preparing for whatever comes

Justin Gray3/ 1/23

by Justin Gray

This blog is meant to get you thinking about your own survival; it is not meant to scare you or be some off-the-wall doomsday scenario. Nobody knows what's coming, but you can be sure that it is coming.

Whether it is civil unrest, a weather event (flood, rain, wind, hurricane, extreme heat, mudslide), fire, pandemic, earthquake, famine, volcano, terror attack, economic collapse, etc. - you can be better prepared for what does comes.

How can you prepare for the unknown?

Since there is no way of knowing what major event is on the horizon (I mean, who saw the toilet paper shortage coming?!), it's smarter to be prepared with what I'll call "universal preps".

What is a Universal Prep?

A universal prep is something that every person needs (not wants). Food is a universal prep as is water. We also need sleep and shelter to survive. Coming down the list would be comfort. The universal preps for these needs would be things like canned goods, bottled water, a lighter, bedding/sleeping bag, shelter (or a tent), and comfort items like snacks or playing cards.

Have enough food and water for every person in your family/group to last at least one week. I prefer to have a 2-week minimum supply.

Understand the Universal Truths:

In this case, a "universal truth" is something that everyone accepts as fact. Examples of these truths is that night will always come, the body needs food/water/sleep to survive, people act irrationally in times of uncertainty, and so on. Once you understand those truths, you can begin to actively prepare for you and your family's survival.

What is your worst nightmare?

It would be foolish to believe that the world will remain the way it is or that perfect harmony is achievable. History proves that events will always occur - and will continue to happen. No matter what you believe is the "doomsday scenario", you need to provide for yourself and loved ones in the event of an emergency. Provisions should be made for a week at bare minimum; the maximum is up to you.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

In regards to the event you're preparing for, do you plan on staying in place or leaving the area? If you're leaving, how are you getting to your destination? What happens if your planned route is blocked or you're unable to make it? You should have maps, a compass (and the knowledge of how to use it), extra fuel for your vehicle and other contingencies in place for alternate plans and routes.

Preparing for multiple contingencies

Preparing for multiple contingencies involves taking proactive steps to anticipate and address potential challenges or unexpected events that may arise.

  1. Identify Potential Contingencies: Make a list of potential scenarios that could disrupt your plans or daily life. These may include natural disasters, power outages, medical emergencies, financial setbacks, job loss, or any other events relevant to your specific circumstances.

  2. Assess Risks and Prioritize: Evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of each contingency. Prioritize them based on their severity and probability. Focus on preparing for the most likely and high-impact scenarios first.

  3. Develop a Family Emergency Plan: Create a detailed emergency plan that outlines what to do in different situations. Include communication protocols, meeting places, evacuation routes, and contact information for emergency services and family members.

  4. Build an Emergency Kit: Assemble a well-stocked emergency kit that includes essentials such as non-perishable food, water, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, blankets, and important documents. Tailor the kit to address specific contingencies, like having face masks for pandemics.

  5. Establish Communication Channels: Set up multiple communication channels to stay informed and connected during emergencies. This may include phone trees, social media groups, or community alert systems.

  6. Backup Power Sources: Consider investing in backup power sources, such as portable generators or solar power systems, to ensure access to electricity during power outages.

  7. Financial Preparedness: Maintain an emergency fund to cover at least three to six months' worth of living expenses. Review insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for various contingencies.

  8. Health and Medical Preparedness: Stay up-to-date with vaccinations and have a basic first aid knowledge. Stock up on essential medications and medical supplies.

  9. Practice Evacuation Drills: If relevant, practice evacuation drills with your family or household members. Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and shelters in your area.

  10. Stay Informed: Stay informed about potential threats or emergencies by following news, weather forecasts, and official alerts. Sign up for emergency notifications from local authorities.

  11. Learn Survival Skills: Learn basic survival skills, such as starting a fire, purifying water, setting up temporary shelters, and navigation techniques.

  12. Network and Community Support: Connect with your neighbors and local community. Having a support network can be crucial during challenging times.

  13. Adaptability and Flexibility: Embrace a mindset of adaptability and flexibility. Be open to adjusting your plans as circumstances change.

  14. Mental and Emotional Preparedness: Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to cope with stress and uncertainty. Practice mindfulness and stress reduction techniques.

  15. Review and Update: Regularly review and update your preparedness plans and kits as your circumstances or potential contingencies change.

Remember, being prepared for multiple contingencies not only helps you handle unexpected events more effectively but also provides peace of mind knowing you have taken steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.



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