by Justin Gray
What is TrueRated power?

TrueRated Power is Wagan Tech’s coined term for truth in advertising and performance. While actual output wattage of competitor’s inverters varies greatly, Wagan Tech inverters help consumers to understand and trust that the number printed on the inverter is the actual output of the device.

Nearly all of Wagan Tech’s Inverters feature TrueRated Power. Simply put, our inverters are tested at full load and will sustain that continuous load for 24 hours at the wattage printed on the inverter.

For example, our Elite 400 Watt Pro Inverter will run for 24 hours straight with a 400 Watt load. Our competitors claim “continuous wattage” when in fact most are only rated at 20 minutes of “continuous” wattage. After 20 minutes, their output wattage will drop down by as much as 25% of their claimed wattage (in a 400 watt inverter, that can be a 100 watt loss!).

In short, TrueRated means that the wattage we print on our inverters is the actual output that you can get from it!