by Justin Gray
Lightforce has been around for a long time, and with good reason. Years ago, I remember seeing them on the front bumper of Alaska State Trooper vehicles and saw them put to use on those midnight dark Alaskan backgrounds. I've always thought that Lightforce products were superior to other lighting brands in the market.
Fast forward to SEMA 2019 where we ran into Brian at the Lightforce booth. After taking a look at the latest offerings and being blown away by the new HTX2 and the ROK40, we started to consider where we could fit these daylight-producing beasts on our LX470 build. After some considerable chatting, Lightforce happily agreed to be a partner in this build. Weeks later we received a big 'ol box of goodies: a pair of HTX2 Lights, ROK40 Lights, and the Venom LED lights! See part of the unboxing in the video below...

After the amazement and shock subsided, we started to get to work on mounting the lights. We chose to mount the HTX2 and the Venom lights on the luggage rack facing forward, and the ROK20 lights as side lighting. When all said and done, these lights do not disappoint! Going down the trail at night, these lights can turn the trail and the edges of the trail into near-daylight conditions.

Some people ask if Lightforce lights are worth the price; to them I say "buy once, cry once". If you're looking for a light that is engineered to perform, is bright as all can be, and is focused for the application, then buy Lightforce. If you think those cheap eBay $60.00 spotlights are going to be rugged, reliable, and not scatter light all over the place, you're sorely mistaken. Lightforce lights are built to last a lifetime and over the past 2 years, we've put those lights through everything the trail can bring... and they're still no worse for wear.