by Justin Gray
We’ve had some great things happening in our Latin America/Mexico office, here are two of the projects that we’re proud to be a part of!

In South America, we are working to create eco-friendly schools that are sustainable. We have installed several of our 1,000 Lumen Solar LED Flood Lights around the school and its property along with numerous Solar e Power Cubes to support the school’s mission and power needs. Take a look at some of the photos from this project below.

In Mexico, we are working to empower locals in rural areas that are without electricity; allowing them to be self-sufficient while being sustainable. In this massive undertaking, large “solar farms” are created utilizing solar panels, batteries, and a power inverter to collect, store, and deliver the power to the people. Wagan is supplying our popular Pure Line Power Inverters (PSW) to deliver the clean and reliable power that is required for the project. See some of the awesome pictures from this project below!

Wagan has always been about serving people and helping those in need; this is the core of our mission and the reason that we take on these types of projects. Going all of the way back to our work with Sirona Cares, the disaster in Haiti, all of the way to present day, Wagan will continue to do what is right for our brothers and sisters around the world.