by Justin Gray
Wagan Tech is proud to be a part of Panama's Presidential flagship project called, Recuperando Mi Barrio or "Recovering My Neighborhood". This project is aimed at revitalizing areas of Panama and bringing employment to those areas.
CONADES (National Council for Sustainable Development) Panama:
"It (Recuperando Mi Barrio) is one of the flagship projects of our administration since it dignifies the quality of life of the inhabitants of popular neighborhoods in Panama and Colón, generating employment in the communities."
The revitalization project consist of many stages including repairing existing infrastructure such as sewer and drain systems, painting and upgrading housing buildings, updating roads, and employing local people from within the community to carry out the work.
CONADES Panama: "Today in coordination with @MitradelPma (Ministry of Labor and Labor Development of Panama, directed by President Laurentino) and the Vice-Minister @TejadaRoger2 (Roger Alberto Tejada) we carried out the first training for the labor reintegration of young people from Colón interested in working in the #RecuperandoMiBarrio - Colón project."
In addition, "CONADES together with @MitradelPma made a tour of Barrio Norte to register and attract young people from the area in order to recruit them to work in the Plan #RecuperandoMiBarrio - Colón. Training sessions will be provided to them to correctly carry out the amended work."
Wagan Tech is helping to make the neighborhoods safer and more accessible for its residents by illuminating pathways, streets, and recreational parks with our Solar Floodlights. By utilizing Solar Floodlight Technologies, the residents will be able to more safely travel around the neighborhood at night with better visibility while the local government avoids any additional operating costs, such as an electricity usage bill typically associated with common streetlight installations.

We proudly continue to develop and engage in meaningful humanitarian projects that ensure a better life for our brothers and sisters at home and abroad. It is written in our company's mission to use the company as a vessel to make a positive impact in the world; it is our actions that continue to drive our mission.
Wagan Tech Solar Lighting
CONADES (Consejo Nacional Para El Desarrollo Sostenible)
Panama President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen (Instagram)
Panama Ministry of Work & Labor (Website)