NEW Products: 200W & 100W Foldable Solar Panels

NEW Products: 200W & 100W Foldable Solar Panels

Wagan Tech2/15/24

by: Justin Gray

We're excited to offer 2 new folding solar panels available to fuel your adventures! 

Both panels are made of EFTE matrix laminates that offer an industry-leading 23% efficiency with unmatched durability and strength. Even overcast days or partial shading will not stop these panels from delivering the power you need.

They're IP67 rated waterproof, and even feature anti-stick properties; dirt and dust will impede the solar panels performance and is pain to clean, not so with these panels!

Continuing with the precedent we set on the previous iterations, we kept the universal Anderson Powerpole connectors to ensure compatibility across a wide array of electronic devices and portable power supplies.

100W Folding Solar Panel - Wagan Tech

You're embarking on a journey where performance, authenticity, and pure function are the cornerstones. Elevate your driving experience, reduce your environmental impact, and embrace a future where your passion for the road meets sustainability. Get ready to experience the road & off-road like never before with Wagan Tech solar panels.


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