It's with great sadness that I report our dear friend and Wagan Technician, Jack Colton has passed away.
Jack worked tirelessly behind the scenes lending his technical expertise to customers, retailers and our team as we develop, troubleshoot, and tear down products. He was instrumental in the development of many of our products including our inverters, our power supplies, like the Cube, Case and even our jumpstarters.
Jack worked for a company called Vector many years ago and has since taught in universities as an expert in electronics design and application.
He was also a great storyteller. In our many years talking technology, he loved to tell his stories of the past in working with UL, rebuilding inverters, selling at swap meets, tinkering with CB radios, liver transplant technologies, and mobility scooter mods.
For years he enjoyed talking to customers and solving problems and enjoyed working with our customer service team to meet customers' technical needs.
Rest in peace Jack, you will be greatly missed.
Wagan Corp. will be contributing to the American Diabetes Association on his behalf.