by Justin Gray
This event was a huge success; THANK YOU to all of those who showed up and participated!
Just because the event is over does not mean that you can't donate to UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital! I encourage yo to donate today!
2nd Annual NorCal Toy Drive
Who: You and your Family/Friends
When: December 7, 2019 10am -3 pm
Where: @ Old Kan Beer & Co., 95 Linden St, Oakland, CA 94607
What: Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 7, 2019. The 2nd Annual NorCal Toy Drive will be from 10AM to 3PM at Old Kan Beer & Co. (95 Linden St, Oakland, CA 94607).
The raffle (at 1PM) will include prizes generously donated by generous vendors. Raffle ticket and 10% of beer sales will benefit vets.
We encourage attendees to bring new and un-wrapped toys.
Why: Toy donations will benefit the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland.
Please read donation guidelines:

Your gifts of new toys, handmade items and other new gifts go a long way toward
brightening a hospital stay for our patients and families. Due to issues regarding patient
confidentiality, infection control, and security, please note the following donation
- All items need to be new and clean.
- We cannot accept violent toys or violent video games (i.e. guns, weapons, military,
- We cannot accept religious items (i.e. bibles, crosses, etc.)
- Fire regulations forbid electrical, spark-producing, or friction-producing toys.
- Toys should not have parts that can pinch fingers and toes or catch hair.
- Any glue or paint in craft kits must be non-toxic.
- No toys should be made of glass or brittle plastic.
- We cannot accept donations of food, clothing, or housewares.
- Please refrain from sending large banners and poster size artwork.
- Please do not wrap gifts. Safety regulations require even labeled gifts to be checked
for gift appropriateness.
- Used medical equipment must be approved by the hospital before we can accept
it (i.e. wheelchair).
Thank you for your support of UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals!
You can drop off toy donations to Wagan Tech HQ prior to the event!
31088 San Clemente St. Hayward,CA 94544
Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm